Richmond Heights Elementary School - Cafeteria Menu

Contact your Chef Resident Director, Keisha Reyes, at (216) 692-0094 x571237 or email for questions or comments.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

photo of fresh foods

Fresh Breakfast and Lunch Selections

FREE Breakfast is served from

8:15 am to 9:00 am

We offer free breakfast for K-12 on all school days. Paid lunches are $ 3.20 for grades K-6. You are encouraged to fill out an online Free & Reduced Lunch Application for your family at PaySchools Central.

Click HERE for the Weekly or Monthly Menus at a Glance

NEW!! - Click the link below to view nutritional details and more.
School Cafe Interactive Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Click HERE to learn How to use School Cafe

>> Click on a day of the week below to see the menu offerings. <<
Ala Carte and Snacks Price List

Week of 2/3/2025

Week of 2/10/2025

Week of 2/17/2025

Week of 2/24/2025