School Achievements & News

Elementary Schoolwide Plan 2024-2025

A Schoolwide plan is based on a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school that considers the academic achievement of children, particularly children who are failing or at-risk of failing, to meet state standards and any other factors as determined by the district. Elementary Schoolwide Plan 2024-2025

100 days of school

Weekly Spirit Days -

Monday, Feb. 3rd

Greetings Spartan Nation,

Please click the link below to see the calendar for our weekly spirit days.
Weekly Spirit Day Calendar of Events

Monday, February 3rd is the 100th day of school. Typically the kindergarteners celebrate this by dressing up like a 100-year-old person.
This year we will join them for our spirit day by having the entire school dress up as a 100-year-old.
See the calendar for the other week's spirit day.
Also, note that the last week of February will be a full week of spirit for Black History Month.

~Principal Taylor

Elementary School PBIS

What is PBIS in school?

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework to improve and integrate all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. PBIS creates schools where all students succeed. ~Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Check out our PBIS videos and stay informed!

Image Richmond Heights Elementary School PBIS image of school building

Tokyo, Japan Community Trip

Today is the day!!! Please join me VIRTUALLY for a quick informational concerning the March 2026 Japan Trip. If you know anyone with a student ages 12-18 please share this link. The trip is a 7 Day all inclusive trip. We were able to cut over a $1000 in cost per traveleršŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰. Click the link and register for the meeting tonight to find out how you can cut an additional $1000 with more incentives. This will definitely be the trip of a lifetime for your scholars. We are looking to serve 30 students! So donā€™t wait, find out how they can get on board āœˆļø

Tokoyo Japan Trip

Student Ambassador's Lunchtime Snack Sale

The Student Ambassadors will be hosting a lunchtime snack sale starting Wednesday, January 29 through February 28. The Ambassadors are raising money for the Principalā€™s fund to support events and activities for the student body at the elementary school. Thank you for your support.

lunchtime snack sale

Fun Spirit Challenge

Itā€™s Monochromatic Monday!!!

This Monday our spirit day challenge is for the whole schoolā€¦all staff and students to wear a Monochrome outfit. That means wearing clothes of one solid color.

Each week we are inviting students and staff to participate in a fun spirit challenge day. A monthly calendar will be shared next week to give you the day and challenge in advance.

monochromatic outfit

STEAM Students in Action!

Hey Family!
If you see your kiddo in a pic please be sure to mention it to them and let them know how proud you are of them! Our words of encouragement mean the world to them but our actions speak even louder. So please know what we do in regular measure or routine they will also do but excessively (good and not so good)!

In STEAM they are learning critical and creative thinking skills, learning to be better leaders, and the importance of making good choices.

Reading Flyer

Elementary School Bus Schedule 2024-2025

Click the Bus to see the schedule.

image of school bus

Car Riders Information

COMING SOON!! Wednesday, November 6th.

Car rider drop off and pickup will be returning to the back of the school building in the community park.

Thank you for your cooperation with the adjustments that were made during construction.

Car Riders Information

Greetings Spartans! We are asking for everyone's cooperation for parent drop off and pick up this year. Please click the IMAGE above to view new details for dropping off and picking up student(s). The lot in front of the school is for buses and daycare only. Please view the map attached to this message for locations. You may need to rotate or print the map. Thank you again! Let's enjoy this school year together!
Click here to view the MAP!

RHES Parents and guardians we want to make this school year to be the best ever and we need your HELP. Click this link to be informed!

School Supply Lists 2024-2025 PreK - 6th

image of various school supplies on black background includes text school supply lists

Parents Click the image above for this year's school supplies lists.

Wellness Wednesdays

Wellness Wednesdays
School Counselor Young

Hello Spartan Families,
We are having our Wellness Wednesdays sessions again this school year, starting September 18, 2024. Our first session will include Band, Sports Club, STEM, and Art Club. We are serving on a first-come, first-served basis, so please take the time to complete the Google form you would like your scholar to participate in. Have a wonderful day.

We are preparing for our 2nd Quarter Wednesday Wellness Activities, which will start Oct 23, 2024. If you would like your student to participate in this new quarter, please sign up AGAIN. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. We are selecting on a First Come, First Served Selection. All forms will be closed on October 25th.


K-3(Sports Club)

4-6(Art Club)


Have you checked out our Little Free Library?

Located right in front of Richmond Heights Elementary, this little treasure trove of books is open and waiting for you. Need a story to share with your family? Take one! Have a favorite to pass along? Leave one! Adventure awaits within every written line, and we wonā€™t want you to miss a thing! #RHSpartanPride

Little Library


Who/What is PEL

The Parent Engagement Coordinator serves as the liaison between school and parents, relaying the needs of one to the other. The PEL Parent Coordinator also promotes the sharing of power with parents as decision-makers, assisting parents in understanding the educational system so that they may become better advocates for their childrenā€™s education.

Your Richmond Heights PEL Parent Engagement Coordinator is available via email anytime to answer questions, offer support, and receive INPUT & FEEDBACK.

Jaā€™vae Williams-Hunt, Author

Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting author Jaā€™vae Williams-Hunt as part of our Richmond Reads program! Jaā€™vae captivated our scholars with her inspiring book series ā€œWhy Bully Me?ā€, shedding light on the issue of bullying and empowering children with valuable strategies to navigate this challenge.

THANK YOU, Jaā€™vae, for being a role model to our Spartans! Keep up the amazing work! #RHSpartanPride

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RHES students with Childrens book author

6th Grade Student Ambassadors

The 6th grade Student Ambassadors had a wonderful time representing our Elementary School at Greenwood Farms today!

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male student photo

Father's Walk Sep. 2024

Todayā€™s Fatherā€™s Walk was a huge success. Thank you to all of our participants, staff, volunteers and students. #FathersWalk2024 #JoinEngagedSpartanParents #SpartanNationSpartanPride

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Fathers Walk Photos
image of text on dark pink background

On BookSmart itā€™s easy to read every day with digital books for children and families. Youā€™ll always have a free library in your pocket. Reading Makes a Difference

Reading every day has many benefits. It improves reading skills, increases knowledge, and lowers stress! Plus, itā€™s fun and free!

Click here for more information.

EarthDay 2024

ā™»ļø Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ā™»ļø In honor of #EarthDay 2024, offering useful guidance on proper recycling practices, detailing what items should and shouldn't be placed in recycling bins. Check out their informative commercial to learn more and improve your recycling habits! #RHSpartanPride šŸ”— WKYC - RECYCLING TIPS!

students sharing recyling tips