
Students of the Month

middle school student of the month poster

high school student of the month poster

Hello SPARTAN Families this is for you...

I am thrilled to welcome our students and staff back to school. It has been a busy summer at the Richmond Heights Upper School for those students who attended our district-wide summer learning experience. We hope that you were able to relax and make special memories with your friends and families as we try to embrace our new normal. Now it is time to look forward to a wonderful new school year!

Please click here to continue reading important information for you to know.

Middle and High Schoolwide Plans 2024-2025

A Schoolwide plan is based on a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school that considers the academic achievement of children, particularly children who are failing or at-risk of failing, to meet state standards and any other factors as determined by the district.
2024-2025 RHLSD Middle Schoolwide Plan

2024-2025 RHLSD High Schoolwide Plan

School Bus Schedules and Routes for 2024-2025

Middle and High School Bus Schedule 2024-2025

P2P Mental Health Awareness Information