Board of Education
Department of Educational Services
Director of Educational Services
(216) 692-0086 ext. 571228
Welcome to Educational Services
The Department of Educational Services believes that ALL scholars can succeed and have the right to a fair and equitable education. Our priorities include student achievement, social-emotional education, and equity and inclusion.
Richmond Heights Local Schools provides Title I services to our Elementary, Middle, and High schools. Title I funds are utilized to improve the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged. The purpose of Title I is to ensure ALL students have a fair and equitable opportunity to achieve and obtain a high-quality education. Richmond Heights Local Schools operates "schoolwide" Title I programs wherein we focus on improving the whole educational experience of our scholars. We use evidence-based strategies, programs, and targeted professional development.
There are several required program elements of Title I programs:
Annual Title Mtg.
District and Building Plans
School-Parent Compact
Right to Know Teacher Qualifications
Non-Public Equitable Services (Title I)
Ohio Improvement Process of Monitoring
McKinney-Vento (Displaced Family Support)
For more information click on the links provided or feel free to contact our department at 447 Richmond Rd. Richmond Heights Ohio, 44143 216-692-0086 ext. 571228
Support for Parents, Guardians and Spartan Community
2024-2025 RHLSD Elementary Schoolwide Plan
2024-2025 RHLSD Middle Schoolwide Plan
2024-2025 RHLSD High Schoolwide Plan
Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
Parent and Community Engagement Plan
After School Child Enrichment Savings Account
Parent Right to Know 2024-2025
Guide for Families Experiencing Homelessness
Other Departments