🔥 Our Spartans are on fire! 🔥 On Friday, March 4, the Richmond Heights boys 🏀 basketball team defeated Cornerstone Christian 83-63 to win the Division IV Divisional Championship. The team now advances to the Sweet Sixteen against Margaretta on Tuesday, March 8 at 6:00 p.m. at the Canton Memorial Fieldhouse. 👏 Let’s all give a BIG cheer for our coaches and players as we travel the road to the State Championship in Dayton! #RHSpartanPride
almost 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
Score board 83-63
❗We are hiring❗Richmond Heights Local Schools is currently seeking applicants for two key positions for our district to be filled immediately: Intervention Specialist for our ED Unit and School Psychologist. ➡️ If you are interested in either of these positions, contact Lakisha Davies, director of special education and hiring manager at: 💻 davies.lakisha@richmondheightsschools.org. 🏫 We look forward to having your join our Spartan Nation! #RHSpartanPride
almost 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
Join our team! Immediate Openings! Graphic image
We won again!!! Congratulations boys and coaches! Next game in Canton Tuesday 3/8 at 6:00pm.
almost 3 years ago, RHLSD
👍 ALWAYS do what is RIGHT! #RHSpartanPride #BlackHistoryMonth
almost 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right - Rosa Parks
❓HAVE YOU HEARD❓The Richmond Heights Middle School boys 🏀 basketball team earned the title of conference champions! Our players, along with members of the Student Council, were invited to The University of Akron basketball game. What a fun evening for our Spartans as they cheered on the Zips! #RHSpartanPride
almost 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
Richmond Heights basketball team
Our Spartans are preparing for the future! Several students visited the 🏫 campus of The University of Toledo to see what student life would look like as a Rocket. We appreciate our staff for aiding and encouraging our students to see what each school has to offer! #RHSpartanPride
almost 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
Dining room
Students in a dining room
Toledo cup
SPARTAN NATION! SAVE THE DATE! The Beachwood Arts Council presents The 2022 Ileen Kelner Juried High School Art Show High schools throughout Northeast Ohio showcase student art! Congratulations to our Richmond Heights students Maliyah Brown Dolceanna Crosby Nick Lowe Jillian Moses Sunday, March 6 -20 at Beachwood Community Center 25225 Fairmount Blvd. Opening Reception March 6, 2 – 4:00 pm See the work online at www.beachwoodartscouncil.org
almost 3 years ago, RHLSD
Mr. Patty’s career exploration and employment skills class recently attended the 🪨 🌱 ESC of Northeast Ohio Conservation Careers Expo. The program was sponsored by Cuyahoga Soil & Water and had over 15 different companies represented. The expo connected students from communities that are historically underrepresented in conservation with information about pathways into the field. Field trips like this provide our Spartans with opportunities to explore interests and pave ways to their futures! #RHSpartanPride
about 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
Students at the Conservation Careers Expo.
Students at the Conservation Careers Expo.
Students at the Conservation Careers Expo.
📅 Spartans, there will be no school Monday, February 21 in observance of Presidents Day. Have a great weekend! #RHSpartanPride
about 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
Calendar Reminder - No School - Monday 2/21 President's Day
🪄 ABRACADABRA! 🪄 ALAKAZAM! 🪄 Last Friday, February 11, the Engaged Spartan Parents and Family and Community Engagement liaison hosted a magic show and family night. The event was one of the first of many in our new state-of-the-art cafetorium and presented fun to all of our Spartans. We enjoyed having our community come together for a little hocus pocus! #RHSpartanPride
about 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
Pictures from our magic show!
Pictures from our magic show!
Pictures from our magic show!
🎉 Join us TOMORROW, Wednesday, February 16 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for an evening of skating and more at United Skates of America Wickliffe! #RHSpartanPride
about 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
Save the Date graphic for Richmond Heights Elementary
To continue our celebration of #BlackHistoryMonth, we will be hosting a 🎞️ Virtual Movie Series via Zoom® through a link in Google Classroom® for the next four Wednesdays! The first showing is TONIGHT, Wednesday, February 9, so join us for an evening of celebrating, learning and engaging in Black Culture! #RHSpartanPride
about 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
Black History Month Virtual Movie Series graphic
⭐ This week is National School Counseling Week! Richmond Heights Local Schools want to shine a light on school counselors and the tremendous impact they have on the well-being and future of our students. 🙌 Join us in honoring our school counselor, Mrs. Candice Meintel! From guiding our Spartans through their academics, to lending a helping hand and to being an encouragement to us all, we appreciate Mrs. Meintel’s dedication to making our district a great learning environment! #RHSpartanPride #NSCW2022
about 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
National School  Counseling Week graphic
🙌 We are celebrating #BlackHistoryMonth with this #MotivationalMonday quote by renowned, Black author and social activist, Maya Angelou. Spartans, each new week provides us with new opportunities. Let’s take them! ❤️ 💚 💛 #RHSpartanPride
about 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
Lift up your hearts. Each new hour holds new chances for new beginnings. - Maya Angelou
🏫 All upper school Spartans are invited to attend our College Credit Plus (CCP) meeting on Thursday, February 17 at 6:00 p.m. via 💻 Zoom®. For more information, visit Mrs. Meintel in the counseling office. Learn what this exciting program has to offer so that you can start preparing for your academic future! #RHSpartanPride
about 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
College Credit Plus Meeting Your Future is Now!
Greetings Spartan Nation, As we continue our College and Career Awareness Series we are looking for parents/guardians to sign up as career speakers. I know that many of our students would love to hear from parents and many are unaware of their parents daily responsibilities at work. This is a fantastic way to provide them with first hand knowledge of what parents are doing in their careers. The purpose of the College & Career Awareness Series is to: Provide a realistic picture of the workplace. - Help students make the connection between school and the workplace. - Elevate students’ comfort level in interacting with adult professionals. - Enable students to begin identifying areas of career interest. We are currently looking for parents who are interested in speaking to the students on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 from 10 - 1PM. Teachers, please reach out to the parents you know that may be interested in participating and send them the google form below to complete the sign-up form by February 11th, 2022. Career Speaker Series Sign-Ups: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-k3AmQ9gkbp2RavGq3vFqdnmF37L-wTuT7VJDY5uY2M6mIg/viewform?usp=sf_link Career speakers will have 20 minutes to speak to students and there will be about a 10 minute break time between each speaker. The last speaker will conclude at 12:50PM.
about 3 years ago, RHLSD
Image of a photo of  female and male adults sitting at a table with a laptop computer. Includes text
🏁 Monday means a fresh start. Let’s do what we can to make this an outstanding week! #RHSpartanPride #MotivationalMonday
about 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
Start Where you are. use what you have. Do what you can.
🍽️ Ms. Davey’s culinary arts class expanded their taste buds during a luncheon at Paladar in Woodmere, Ohio. Students were treated to popular cuisines such as: salsa, empanadas, churros and more. We think it’s safe to say our Spartans are developing an appreciation for Latin food! 😋 #RHSpartanPride
about 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
Richmond Heights Culinary club menu
Breadsticks and sauces
Students eating their culinary meals
Students eating their culinary meals
🏫 For the month of January, Richmond Heights Local Schools District is celebrating School Board Recognition Month! We appreciate the hard work of our school board members and the vision they have for the future of our Spartans. Thank you for your leadership, commitment and dedication! #RHSpartanPride
about 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
School board recognition month graphic. Thank you!
On this day, Monday, January 17, we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. and remember the legacy he left behind for us all. Spartans, dream big and keep moving ➡️ forward! #RHSpartanPride #MLKDay #MotivationalMonday
about 3 years ago, Richmond Heights Local Schools
If you can't fly then run. If you can't run then walk. If you can't walk then crawl but by all means, keep moving. - Martin Luther King  JR.